added a backup feature that backs up cards before and after saving repsectively.note that this does not work with links (lnk files) or non-editor exes (applocale).
you can make a shortcut to it with this parameter for automatisation.AAFace.exe can now be called with a command line argument to automatically start AA2Edit.exe and inject the comes with a faq.txt for msvcr error n stuff.fixed a bug that prevented the logger from working correctly.fixed a bug that prevented the random button from working on buttons that were bound to an edit-control.fixed a bug where changing the value in the hair up-down-control would take focus from it.original editor buttons will now represent the choice done in the up-down-control if possible.restructured some of the code to make it less copy n pasty.config.txt, items.txt, and AAFaceDll.dll now belong in a sub folder called AAFace instead of next to the AA2Edit.exe.Changed the File organization in an attempt to reduce clutter:.